Account Type | Level | Account Code | Account Title | Description | Data Enterable |
Revenue | 1 | 500RES | Resident Tuition | Tuition assessed to resident students | N |
Revenue | 1 | 505NON | Non-resident Tuition | Tuition assessed to non-resident students | N |
Revenue | 1 | 505WUE | WUE Tuition | Tuition (at the rate of 150% of resident tuition) paid by out-of-state students who are admitted to the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program | N |
Revenue | 1 | 507OTH | Other Tuition | Adjustments/additions to tuition assessed to students on a temporary basis | N |
Revenue | 1 | 515ADM | Admissions Fees | Fees associated with all application or admission processes | N |
Revenue | 1 | 515REG | Registration Fee | A flat fee charged to each student to cover the administrative costs of registration. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 520PRG | Program Tuition & Fees | Additional tuition charged to students in high cost programs and fees for two year programs | N |
Revenue | 1 | 525MAN | Mandatory Fees | Fees, not related to a specific course, that are charged to all students as part of the fee matrix. Student cannot opt out of these fees. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 530CRS | Course Fees | Used for specialized activities, field trips, pass through fees, laboratory consumables, and materials used by students to create a product that becomes the students' property after use in a specific course. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 532OSF | Other Student Fees | All non-mandatory student fees not included in previous categories. This includes fees such as fines, rental fees, and services. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 535CED | Continuing Education | Revenue from credit, non-credit, grant-funded, sponsored and self-supporting programs. Fees for credit courses are based on a set rate for each credit and fees for non-credit courses are based on the cost of the course. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 540INV | Investments | Securities and real estate held for the production of income in the form of value appreciation, interest, dividends, rentals, or lease payments. This term does not include capital assets used in State operations. Short-term: less than one year holding period or maturity. Long-term: more than one year holding period or maturity. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 555GEN | Hi-Ed General Fund Revenue | Monthly general fund allocation received from OCHE | N |
Revenue | 1 | 555MIL | Hi-Ed Millage Revenue | Revenue generated from the tax rate of X mills per dollar. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 555SPE | Other OCHE/State Funding | Revenue from OCHE or the State that does not fit under the other revenue categories | N |
Revenue | 1 | 555STM | HB645 Stimulus Revenue | | N |
Revenue | 1 | 557MNX | Mandatory Transfer-In | Transfers from the current funds group to other fund groups arising out of (1) binding legal agreements related to the financing of educational plant, such as amounts for debt retirement, interest, and required provisions for renewals and replacements of plant not financed from other sources and (2) grant agreements with agencies of the federal government, donors, and other organizations to match gifts and grants to loan and other funds. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 557NMX | Non-Mandatory Transfer-In | Transfers from the current funds group to other fund groups made at the discretion of the governing board to serve a variety of objectives. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 560FGC | Federal Grants & Contracts | Revenues from federal grants and contracts, excluding financial aid and excluding facilities and administration cost recovery. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 560LGC | Local Grants & Contracts | Grants and contracts received from local government agencies, i.e. school districts or other states' governments, etc. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 560PGC | Private Grants & Contracts | Grants & contracts received from private agencies, i.e. Indian tribes, foundations, private businesses, etc.grants & contracts received from other State of Montana agencies, i.e. Dept of Natural Resources, Dept of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, etc. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 560SGC | State Grants & Contracts | Grants & contracts received from other State of Montana agencies, i.e. MSU, Dept of Natural Resources, Dept of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, etc. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 562FNA | Financial Aid | Revenue from federal and state sources to provide financial aid to students. Also includes administrative allowances for monitoring the programs. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 565GFT | Gifts & Scholarships | Funds received in the Restricted Non-Grant Fund type from a third-party for departmental or scholarship use. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 570AUX | Auxiliary Revenue | Income from sales and services provided by auxiliary enterprises. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 570SAS | Sales & Service | Revenues from institutional or departmental sales and services | N |
Revenue | 1 | 575FAA | F & A Cost Recovery | Facilities and Administration (F & A) costs are broad categories of costs. "Facilities" is defined as depreciation and use allowances, interest on debt associated with certain buildings, equipment and capital improvements, operation and maintenance expenses, and library expenses. "Administration" is defined as general administration and general expenses, departmental administration, sponsored projects administration, student administration and services, and all other types of expenditures not listed specifically under one of the subcategories of Facilities. | N |
Revenue | 1 | 580OTH | Other Revenue | Revenue from educational and general revenue not covered by other account codes | N |
Revenue | 1 | 590CAP | Capital Contributions | Identifies amounts of capital assets provided by other governments, other funds or agencies within the State, or amounts provided at the initiative of private parties outside State government. | N |